Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Home Audio


Audio. That’s why you have speakers isn’t it? Does anyone remember a time when the Internet was mute? But then Real Audio showed up in the Spring of 1995. I remember the day when everybody clustered around a Dell 386 and listened to a compressed, distorted, and tinny, bit of music that sounded like it was being transmitted from Mars … and received by a 1922 crystal radio. And we were thrilled. In those prehistoric dial-up-connection days it was possible to embed a wav file into a web page and then amaze everyone who wanted to wait for-freakin’-ever to hear whatever crummy sounding bit O’Audio you wanted to share with the world. Then Things Changed. And for once … for the better. Now The Internet can’t shut up. And neither can I. So sit back, relax, and listen to the soothing sounds of my unrelenting rants as read by Mike Malloy.

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