Doubling Down on the Crazy
How Crazy is it Going to Get? Take a guess. Double it. Multiply that by a gazillion.
Broadcast on The Mike Malloy Show February 26, 2016.
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A couple of Trump supporters showed up to vote at Nevada’s Republican caucus dressed in their KKK sheets and hoods. On February 24, the Iowa House passed a series of gun rights bills allowing children of any age to handle guns. Today the owner of an insurance agency in Georgia is requiring all of his employees to be armed.
Sane people all over the country are wondering, “Can someone please derail the crazy train this shitshow arrived on?”
Last December Larry Wilmore of The Nightly Show said, “This isn’t funny anymore … it’s just stupid.” Well ” it’s 2016 and we’re waaaaaaay past stupid. This is seriously crazy now.
But this isn’t about Trumpenstein or the daily gun slaughter.
Billionaires and FoxNews created the tea-bagger wing of the Republican Party and the Republican Elite seem surprised that the mindless rabble they’ve inculcated for 20 years with distilled bullshit … are choosing bullshit candidates. What the Republican Elite forgot, or didn’t know in the first place, was once they created a party that gave permission to embrace racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, their minions would vote for the candidate who best embodied those attributes.
And as has been said many times before, if politicians did nothing to pass sane gun control laws after 20 six- and seven- year- old kids were ripped to pieces by a semi-automatic rifle fire in their elementary school, then it was excruciatingly clear there would be no meaningful gun control in the United States. Ever. Do you want to keep your kids safe from the gun madness that infects your city, state, and country? Fuck You.
Doubling Down on the Crazy