Reasonable Men


Reasonable Men

Originally broadcast on The Mike Malloy Show on June 30, 2014.

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I am so damn sick of having to hear what Reasonable Men are saying I could puke. For a couple of weeks now the people who should have been tried and imprisoned for war crimes are back retelling their history-distorting lies to all the vacuous dolts who keep putting these beasts in front of television cameras. I don’t know how long it takes to train oneself to sound like a Reasonable Man. But once mastered … it’s possible to carve out a lucrative career in the service of evil.

I truly hate these bastards. They’ve always been around derailing and diffusing anyone who wants to do the right thing.

A long time ago, The United States invaded Vietnam. By the time America pulled out of that unholy war, millions of Vietnamese had been murdered and countless numbers maimed. There are two big black walls in Washington D.C. with the names of over 58,000 American vets killed in the war etched upon them. All that death and misery because Reasonable Men started the war, and refused to end it, until every last dime could be minted from the blood of those consumed by it.

The politicians and pundits held sway for years until that particular money making machine became…unfashionable. It could still crank out the big bucks but it was becoming too unseemly to keep the operation going. Smarmy rat-bastards like William F. Buckley supported the war effort in dulcet tones until he, or his handlers, were finished filling their pockets. They could only milk the Domino Theory Communist Threat in Southeast Asia for so long until the body bags coming back home dampened the enthusiasm for killing gooks who had the temerity to fight back.


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