On The Effects of The Bush-Bomb 7 Years Later

I have found it helpful(?) to view George Bush, his administration, and his supporters, not as a group, not as individuals, but as One Big Weapon of Mass Destruction.

The Bush Bomb was dropped on an unsuspecting public on January 20th in the year 2001. This is a partial chronicle of the destructive effects of the Bush Bomb and the lingering, though still lethal, fallout.

It had always been assumed that a devastating attack on The United States would come from a foreign country. A generation of schoolchildren was taught to “Duck & Cover” as a way to survive a Russian attack.

However the perpetrators behind the dropping of the Bush Bomb were a extraordinary alliance of American terrorist organizations made up of multi-billion dollar corporations, right-wing religious fanatics, the Republican party, and complicit Democrats.

After the Bush Bomb fell the infrastructure of the country’s news organizations was so severely damaged that to this day it is almost impossible for them to broadcast anything of any value to American citizens.

On September 11th, 2001, 234 days after the Bush Bomb fell, almost 3,000 Americans died. It cannot be determined whether or not these deaths are directly attributable to the Bush Bomb or to the incompetence of the government whose ability to defend The United States had been severely crippled after the bomb was dropped.

Due to the destruction of the Mainstream Media by the Bush Bomb there has been an almost complete news blackout of what really occurred that day.

On August 29th, 2005 the north-central Gulf Coast of The United States and the city of New Orleans was destroyed. The official death toll stands at about 1,300 but thousands of people are still missing. The whereabouts of 6,600 people reported missing have not been determined. Almost all of these deaths are directly the result of The Bush Bomb.

But the destruction caused by The Bush Bomb was not limited to the United States. Though almost 4,000 American soldiers have been killed and 23,000 to 100,000 wounded … in comparison we have fared much better than the citizens of Iraq.

Iraq has been destroyed.

Over a million Iraqis have been killed and the UN estimates that almost 5 million people have been displaced by the violence unleashed by The Bush Bomb.

Further destruction on the Domestic Front:

Since The Bush Bomb went off, almost all manufacturing has ceased in this country. Prison labor, slave labor, and child labor in foreign countries now produce most of the goods sold in The United States.

The voting system is perhaps irretrievably broken. The results from national and state elections are neither transparent nor verifiable.

Nearly 47 million Americans, 16 percent of the population, are without health insurance.

Gas prices are soon expected to be almost 400% higher than they were before The Bush Bomb. I have no idea what this increase specifically will do to food and heating costs. But there are 36.5 million people who live in poverty in this country and in any given year, 3.5 million of them are homeless. It is safe to say that their condition will only deteriorate

What perhaps is the most bizarre and seemingly inexplicable result of The Bush Bomb is the mindset of the American Populace. I can only define it as a variation of the Stockholm syndrome on a national scale.

As of February 1st, 2008, the leading candidates running for the presidency of The United States are directly or indirectly sponsored by the same American terrorist organizations that designed, built, … and dropped … The Bush Bomb. But regardless of this fact, the majority of Americans are vigorously supporting a “candidate” chosen for them by this domestic terrorist coalition.

It will take decades … generations … to recover from the devastation caused by the Bush Bomb. This implies though, that a restoration will actually begin. But at this writing it appears that there is nothing in place … not even in the planning stage … to help the Iraqi or American people recover from this catastrophe.

Y’know … until I wrote this … I used to think of myself as an optimistic guy.

February 10, 2008


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